Over the past 8 Years, "The MARSHFOUNDATION" has supported FijiOz Financially & with Donating Containers of Medical Equipment & Supplies, inc Hospital Beds & Tables, X-Ray Machines, Wheel Chairs & Frames, the list goes on. "The Marsh Foundation" are still one of our Major Sponsors, with another 40 ft Container, packed & ready to go over to Fiji for our "June - Aug 2020 Project".
"MEDEARTH" is another Company that has supported FijiOz over the years. Donating numerous boxes of Medical Supplies such as, Bandaids, Gauzes, Blood Pressure Machines, Gloves & Sanitary Gowns, Medical Equipment. MedEarth are still one of our Major Sponsors and have donated 50 boxes of Medical Supplies to go over to Fiji for our "June - Aug 2020 Project".
"Panafreight" has supported FijiOz for many years in Helping the transport of Boxes & Containers to Fiji. BIG thankyou to Michael